Measuring bearing loads.
Monitoring lubrication.
Preventing damages.

HCP Sense At The Dresden Machine Elements Colloquium

Ein Photo von HCP Sense Mitgründer, der eine Präsentation über die Funktionalität von HCP Sense Sensorik auf dem Dresdner Maschinenelemente Kolloquium hält

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HCP Sense aat the Dresden Machine Elements Colloquium

The focus of the congress is in particular the combination of the classic machine elements with the latest sensor technology for “sensor-integrating machine elements” #Sensorlager

In addition to well-known industry heavyweights and absolute experts such as

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Eckhard Kirchner (Technical University Darmstadt),

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Tobias Gemmeke & Prof. Dr.-Ing. Georg Jacobs (RWTH Aachen University) and

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Oliver Koch (Technical University Kaiserslautern)

today, HCP Sense co-founder and managing director Tobias Schirra had the chance to present our sensorless roller bearing sensors and the potential of the capacitive effect.

Many thanks to Prof. Dr.-Ing. Berthold Schlecht and the Technical University Dresden for the invitation!


Here you can find the original post in LinkedIn. 

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Ein Photo von dem neuen HCP Sense Mitarbeiter in dem Büro in Darmstadt

Team expansion at HCP Sense

We are proud to introduce our newest team member – Johannes, our 7th full-time employee, who has been on board since April 2nd. With one foot still completing his PhD

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